Open - mindedness is an attitude which is free from prejudice. It is difficult, however, for the average person not to be swayed or unduly dominated by the knowledge which he already has. The one who is prejudiced hastily judges a case before all the evidence is in hand and, consequently, arrives at distorted conclusions. If a person has the willingness to see truth wherever it is and whatever it may be, he is willing to look at all sides of a given question and to examine carefully, honestly, and conscientiously what is presented by those holding opposite views. He has such an appreciation of truth that he is willing to renounce whatever error he may have held prior to his discovering some truth or fact previously unknown to him. A willingness to renounce and repudiate error, held and cherished, is a rare trait of character. Having discovered some truth, a person must have the courage of his convictions to take his stand for the right regardless of the consequences. It takes moral boldness to accept truth publicly and to align oneself with the right, which is usually unpopular. The one having the proper attitude toward truth must have an insatiable desire for it. He must want truth for the sake of truth, because it is right.